Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Welcome to My Parlor," Said the Spider to the Fly.

I find the concept of the blog fascinating. More so now than when I really started doing it years ago. That was over at MySpace where readers typically start off as real world friends and then cyber friends and so on. Where you start with a pre-existing connection to the reader.

I didn't ever tell anyone about this blog that sat idle for years. Why bother. And I'm not doing so now. I like the idea of starting from scratch with no built in audience where the only way to build a relationship with the reader is to draw them in in the first place.

Here it's words published into the ether. I love the randomness of that. The idea that my dirty thoughts are somewhere out there looking for a nice clean mind to infect. I love the idea that it is writing as seduction. And of course the ego of it is appealing.

Someone who operates under the handle of The Egoist, after all, must love all manner of hubris.

So hello everyone. And hello no one.


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